Canada: Still Discriminating Against The Healthy
You have probably heard that Canada, which is far more leftist than the United States and therefore much more wise and good, passed a law a few years back called MAID, which stands for “medical assistance in dying.”
It’s a wonderful law, obviously. I mean, you don’t even need to THINK about it to know it’s a wonderful law.
And it’s only getting better!
Because the way MAID started was this: suppose you were old and sick, and maybe in pain, and complaining all the time because you’re in pain and nothing the doctors do seems to help.
Why not just help you die? You know, like an old, sick pet. Put you to sleep. Because, first of all, it’s a DOCTOR doing it, so it’s a medical treatment. The government even pays for it!
And most importantly, afterward you’re not suffering any more, we’re pretty sure. Plus— let’s not be selfish here — nobody has to listen to you kvetch (not that you shouldn’t, but it can be hard to listen sometimes!) or pay for your expensive drugs and surgery and doctor appointments. Which is VERY helpful in a country like Canada where the government pays for everyone’s healthcare, which gets extremely expensive, as you can imagine!
But, as I mentioned: it gets better! Because next, Canada realized that mental distress is a kind of suffering, too. So why not put people to sleep if they are depressed or something? It’s only fair!
And NOW — even better! — they are getting ready to put drug addicts to sleep!
Because drug addiction is mental illness, right? And many drug addicts are suffering and depressed. Haven’t you seen the pictures of them here in the U.S.? Ugh! Those people aren’t exactly laughing and dancing! They’re stumbling around like zombies! And collapsing on the street! And they have open sores on their faces!
So yay, Canada! Give those poor people a way to end their suffering for once and for all!
But then, I read this quote, from this wonderful Dr. Martell, which got me thinking:
Did you catch that last bit?
So here’s my question: why, Canada, are you excluding healthy, well-adjusted people from taking advantage of MAID?
That doesn’t seem very nice and certainly NOT very fair :(
I mean, it’s expensive for healthy people sometimes, too. Have you seen how much food costs lately? And what it takes to buy a house these days?
And now with all these wonderful asylum speakers coming here for a better life, there’s not as much of anything to go around. So maybe some healthy people would like to check out a bit early, to make room for someone who maybe deserves to live here a little bit more, since they weren’t born here so they’ve never experienced what it’s like to live in a land that is so rich and full of opportunity.
So, as a concerned leftist, I urge Canada to lead the way for the rest of the world.
MAID for all!!!!